A 41-year-old man in Nsanje has committed suicide after his second wife allegedly abandoned him and went away with K2.1 million.

The woman is said to have got married to another man in South Africa.

Nsanje Police Station Spokesperson, Agnes Zalakoma has identified the deceased as Albert Butawo who committed suicide on September 25, 2021 at Maya Crop Field after taking poisonous substance.

Zalakoma said it is alleged that on the afternoon hours of September 22, 2021, the deceased took a bottle of water and told his first wife that he was going to the market to buy medicine but surprisingly he did not return home.

“As the wife and other relatives were searching for him, they received a report that unidentified man has been found dead in a crop field at Maya Village in the district.

“They rushed to the scene and identified the deceased to be their relative,” Zalakoma said.

She said the matter was reported to police, who visited the scene accompanied by medical personnel who confirmed death as due to taking poisonous substance and no foul play suspected.

However, preliminary investigations revealed that before the incident, the deceased had a fierce quarrel with his second wife who had tactfully abandoned the deceased and went away with K2.1 million and get married to another man in South Africa.

Meanwhile, police has condemned the act where people resort to commit suicide other than seeking guidance from relevant authorities.

The deceased hailed from Khembo Village in the Senior Chief Mbenje in Nsanje District.

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