DMI St. John the Baptist University has broken the silence on allegations making rounds on social media that the University is issuing fake degrees.

According to a press statement seen by this publication, DMI said that the rumors are being spread by some individuals with malicious intentions in order to injure the reputation of the University.

The statement further mentioned the name of Peter Chimalizeni as one of the people spreading false information regarding the University.

“On 13th September, 2021 Mr. peter Chimalizeni a Social media activist, on his Facebook page alleged that the University was offering fake degrees by forcing lecturers to give pass grades to students who had failed,” read part of the statement.

Chimalizeni, published the allegations without verifying fact with the University, according to Reverend Father Sunder, Secretary for University Council.

It is now reported that Chimalizeni retracted the article from his Facebook page and apologized even though the matter is still in the hands of Mangochi Police in which the University sued Chimalizeni for “possible prosecution as his conduct amounts to Cybercrime aimed at assassinating the character of the University.”

The University has also trashed rumors that National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) has acted on DMI on issuance of fake degrees as reported by one of the online publications.

According to the University, they have reported to Media Council of Malawi the editor of the story adding that he has been writing negative articles regarding the Institution.

“Therefore, the general public is hereby being informed that National Council for Higher Education has never at any point deregistered the University and its programs,” read the statement.

“The University is working with National council of Higher education to ensure that Higher Education Institutions and their students are protected from individuals with malicious intentions.”

According to DMI they have taken legal action against individuals spreading fake information with information of damaging the reputation of the University.

“The University will do what it can under available legal means to protect its establishment, its students and alumni and ensure that such conduct should never happen again to DMI St. John the Baptist University as well as other Higher Education Institutions,”  said Rev Fr Sunder.

Commenting on the same, NCHE said they are aware of the issue circulating concerning DMI St. John the Baptist University status saying that the issues are under investigations and no decision has been made regarding the Institution’s registration or accreditation.

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