Former Vice President Khumbo Hastings Kachale who is also President of Freedom Party (FP) has hailed the Judiciary for upholding justice in the country.

Kachale’s remarks follow sentencing of well-known businessman Thom Mpinganjira.

High Court Judge Dorothy DeGabrielle this morning sentenced Mpinganjira to 9 years jail sentence for attempting to bribe constitutional court Judges who were handling the Presidential polls case.

This came barely three weeks after he was found guilty of two of the six charges he was answering of attempting to offer a bribe to the five judges who presided over the 2019 presidential election case.

DeGabrielle meted out a nine year sentence on each of the two charges he was convicted on but the sentences will run concurrently.

The sentence will run from the day he was convicted on September 10, 2021.

Writing on his official facebook page after the sentence, Kachale hailed the judicially for being bold enough on the matter.

“Fellow Malawians, justice has not only been done but it has also been seen to be done.It is a huge lesson to especially those of us who consider or to use the most appropriate word ‘flatter’ ourselves that we fall in the category of “Malawi’s Elite”.

“The basic truth is that no matter how wealthy or no matter how powerful we may think we are, all of us are under the law. Let us respect the laws of the land,” wrote Kachale.

He added: “Congratulations to the Malawian Judiciary for demonstrating professionalism and and courageous adherence to the rule of law.”

Meanwhile Mpinganjira has said he will appeal the sentence and conviction.