Ken Msonda, one of the top officials in the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has criticized the party for issuing a warning letter to the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) over ongoing probe of former President Peter Mutharika.

On Monday, the social media was awash with a statement from DPP addressed to the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB), in which it “warns” the Bureau against what it calls harassing of former president Peter Mutharika.

The statement alleges that ACB wants to invade and search Mutharika’s house, personal phones and laptops for investigations on the back of freezing his bank accounts in the past year.

But the letter did not please Msonda who took to social media to criticized it.

Below Msonda’s statement on the matter;


*It is undemocratic and against principles of Good Governance for any political party, institution or individual to issue a “WARNING” to intimidate government institutions like ACB, Police, Courts or the Ombudsman; imeneyo ndi NYEKW!!*

– *ACB went to question former state president Dr. BM on the Japan Embassy funds and Libya personal funds donations*

– *ACB went to state house to question the current state president Rev. Dr. LMC on the NOCMA contract issue* *[Constitutionally the sitting state president is immune to probe, investigation or prosecution but ACB went ahead)*
– *ACB is yet to question former state president Dr. JB on the cashgate and sale of presidential jet issue*

*Can I go DEEPEST?*

*ACB is yet to question MANY alleged to be involved in corruption, fraud and money laundering including DC’s & abuses of COVID19 funds – simply put “those plundering of public resources”!*

– *Therefore I see no problem ACB questioning our former state president, my party president, my political mentor and father; the body is simply doing it’s job; if my political father and mentor is innocent beyond reasonable doubt, he shall be cleared and have a peace of mind then enjoy his retirement FREELY!!!*

*In Malawi we have a demonic disease of psychologically torturing our former state presidents with endless probes, mpaka 20 years former state president akudikilira mlandu!*

*ACB question my political father and mentor, conclude the investigations, unfreeze his bank accounts and “SET HIM FREE PSYCHOLOGICALLY TO ENJOY HIS RETIREMENT FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE!!!*

*Inetu chilungamo chidzandipetsa but truth sets me free

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