Minister of Education Agnes NyaLonje has described the ongoing Junior Certificate Examinations (JCE) as, so far, impressive.

She made the remarks Monday in Lilongwe after inspecting how the exams are being carried out at Likuni Boys and Likuni Girls Secondary Schools.

“Basing on the schools I have visited today, and also from the daily reports I am receiving, we can say that so far the process has been successful.

The organization has been excellent, the invigilation has been on point, time keeping has been good, and even COVID-19 prevention measures are strictly being observed. This is something we want to see and hope will continue,” she said speaking to journalists at Likuni Girls Secondary School,” Said Nyalonje.

NyaLonje noted that some learners attended exams at late time due to long distance and said government is implementing various interventions like distance learning and construction of schools and classroom blocks to turn the situation around.

“On the system side, JC examinations help us to evaluate how our learners, schools and how we as a country are performing. It is a good milestone to measure performance and give us signals where we are doing fine and where we need to improve.

The JC exams are the being held for the first time in five years after government suspended the exams in 2016.


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