Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Councilor for Blantyre Soche East Ward Leonard Chimbanga has quashed calls for the resignation of Shadreck Namalomba as the Chairperson of Public Accounts Committee of Parliament by the Human Right Defenders Coalition (HRDC) describing it as baseless.

HRDC’s calls in in line with the recent letter issued by Namalomba threatening the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) for its decision to interview Former President Peter Mutharika.

The HRDC says the Namalomba’s action does not befit the office he holds as Chair of PAC hence the call.

But Chimbanga has quashed the calls, saying its pure hypocrisy on the human rights body to ask for his resignation for exercising his freedom of expression.

“DPP is a registered political party and the main opposition party in this country. It fully believes and upholds the constitution. And the constitution provides its membership and the party with certain freedoms which nobody can take away.

“So on the issue of Hon Namalomba, it’s pure hypocrisy on the human rights body to ask for his resignation for exercising his freedom of expression. We challenge the HRDC to sight the constitution where he is in conflict or which right has he violated. Secondly, every institution paid for by the taxpayers is accountable and open to scrutiny. No organization is perfect in its dealing thus why there are terms like a miscarriage of justice. Criticizing the ACB shouldn’t be a crime,” wrote Chimbanga.

He added: “If the ACB feels aggrieved by the criticism it can find remedial action and sight how it’s being intimidated. The fact remains they froze The APM accounts without a case on him. It’s only the courts that denied them further extended such actions. HRDC is free to go to court that takes away the freedoms of other individuals whilst exercising theirs.

“Above what constitutional mandate does the HRDC have on such a matter? The DPP won’t be silenced in exercising its freedom of expression which the same HRDC has enjoyed in this country even after disregarding the right to violent free demonstrations. We will rebuild and we will become stronger. The sellouts who promised Tonse your partners that they would weaken DPP lied please go get your refund.”

Meanwhile, ACB has vowed to continue with its move to investigate Mutharika.

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