Former Zambian ruling Patriotic Front (PF) has said it will come back in power in 2026 defeating the current United Party and Nation Development (UPND) led government.

Speaking when holding a grassroot meeting in Kingovwa village, Mushindamo district, Given Lubinda, PF’s vice president said the plans by the UPND to destroy PF will not work.

According to Lubinda, PF will live on until it unseats the UPND in 2026.

He said it is evident that going by the number of lies from the UPND Government, President Hichilema will be a one term leader.

Hon. Lubinda said in 2026, Zambians will remember the PF for taking development across the country.

”President Hichilema does not believe that he won the elections. He still thinks he is still in opposition. PF will not die because it is different from the MMD and UNIP. UNIP was a liberation movement and not an opposition party same with the MMD,” Hon. Lubinda said.

”PF was formed in 2001 and formed Government after ten years and back into opposition. It was God’s will that PF has gone in opposition once again and it was done so that people appreciate that PF is the only progressive party. UPND will be a one term party because in 2026 Zambians will remember PF as a party that brought development and will realize that the UPND are a bunch of liars,” he added.

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