Even though being on your periods isn’t a wonderful feeling, having a regular menstrual cycle is a sign of good health.

In fact, you should be more disturbed when you have irregular periods. This is why it is very important for you to track your periods every month.

You need to make sure that your period cycles occur regularly and you have normal bleeding until your period ends.

Irregularity in menstrual cycle can mean that either you have too many days gap between consecutive periods or you have a gap of very few days. If you experience bleeding twice in a month, it means that you should be alert.

Bleeding can occur any time and it can be just spotting or heavy bleeding. While spotting once in a while isn’t something that’s dangerous, it’s important to consult a doctor if it keeps happening or if the bleeding is heavy.

Also, if you experience any sort of pain or discomfort, it’s vital to seek medical help immediately. This is because irregular periods and bleeding can occur due to an underlying health issue. Here are some of these health issues that you need to know about.

1. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

PID is an infection that affects your reproductive organs. It usually occurs when a sexually transmitted disease spreads from the vaginal area to the uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes.

One of the symptoms of PID is irregular menstrual bleeding. The other symptoms include pelvic pain and trouble getting pregnant despite regular efforts.

You may also notice vaginal discharge with a bad odor and experience pain during intercourse.

If you feel that your irregular vaginal bleeding is accompanied by these symptoms, consult a gynecologist immediately.

2. Menopause

Menopause is the end of your menstruation on a permanent note. It is established when you don’t have menstruation at a stretch for 12 months.

Menopause occurs to women mostly in their late 40s or 50s and as menopause gets closer, you will experience irregular periods.

You might either skip your period or have shorter cycles that will result in menstruation twice in a month. Other symptoms include dryness down there, hot flashes, chills, loss of breast fullness, mood swings, dry skin and thinning hair .

3.Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths that are found in the uterus. These are found mostly in women who are at their active child-bearing age.

Uterine fibroids can be one of the reasons why you have bleeding in between your regular periods.

They can also cause heavy bleeding during menstruation and prolong the duration of their periods.

Other symptoms include pelvic pressure or pain, constipation, weight gain, frequent urination, difficulty in urinating, and backache.

4. Miscarriage

Spotting, light bleeding, and vaginal discharge are all quite common during pregnancy.

If you are pregnant and you are having heavy bleeding or bleeding that has lasted for days, it’s important that you check with your doctor.

Vaginal bleeding can be due to miscarriage and to be on the safer side, if you experience it, get it checked immediately.

5.Thyroid Problems

The thyroid glands are located in your throat area and are shaped like a butterfly. These glands play a very vital role in controlling the hormonal balance in your body.

Hence, if your thyroid glands get affected by any problem, your whole body will suffer. Thyroid problems have been associated with irregular menstruation.

This is applicable in the case of both hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).

Other symptoms of thyroid problems include heavy menstrual bleeding, sudden weight changes, and irregular bowel movements .

6. Obesity

Obesity is something that’s common in today’s world owing to unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise.

It can result in an increase in the estrogen level in your body and this extra estrogen can lead to irregular periods. It can also result in missed or heavy periods.


Irritation of the vaginal area or the cervix during intercourse or any other penetrative act during lovemaking can result in minor injuries.

These injuries can result in spotting or light bleeding. This usually happens only for a day or two after the incident but consult a doctor if you’re experiencing continuous bleeding, heavy bleeding, or pain .

8. Cancer Or Precancerous Conditions

Spotting or bleeding when you’re not on your periods can be due to cancer or precancerous conditions.

It includes cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, and vaginal cancer. If you feel that the irregular bleeding is recurrent and prolonged, let your doctor know about it immediately.

9. Birth Control Pills

Irregular periods is one of the possible side-effects of birth control pills. You may experience spotting or light bleeding during this time.

However, if the bleeding becomes heavier or if it lasts for a long time, keep taking the pill and talk to your gynecologist .

All of these are probable reasons why you may have irregular periods or bleeding when you’re not on periods.

Hence, it’s important that you consult a doctor before you make any assumptions based on your own understanding. Also, an early period can occur as a one-time thing for many women.

In this case, it isn’t something you should worry too much about. We wish you a healthy and happy period,

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