Pharmacy and Medicines Regulatory Authority (PMRA) has warned against unauthorised importation of medicines for general stores and super markets.

Speaking MANA Online on Thursday PMRA Acting Director General Charles Chimenya they have recently noted that the chain stores (general stores) and super markets are bypassing procedures for importing drugs.

“Normally they are allowed to sell what we call general sales list category of medicines; those medicines that you don’t need any medical documentation to access them for example the Panado’s, Aspirins among others.

He said PMRA has noted some medical stores are keeping medicine that has not been authorised the regulatory body.

“The ideal situation is that when medicines are being imported in the country, any importer has to pass through Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) authorisation as well as to be a registered licensed importers of medicines.

He said recently the body has seized all the medicines that were found in the chain stores and owners were cautioned.

Malawi Health Equity Network Executive Director George Jobe said to solve this problem there is need for frequent unannounced inspections on all drug stores

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