Sierra Leone President Julius Maada Bio has on Monday, the 11th of October 2021 paid a visit to Guinea and he was received by the interim President of the transition, Colonel Mamady Doumbouya, and the Prime Minister, Mohammed Beavogui.

ECOWAS, the regional bloc within the West African Sub Region which is charged with the responsibility of ensuring and sustaining Peace and democracy, has suspended Guinea from participating in its activities due to the Coup that ousted their preferred candidate, Alpha Conde.

The established body has constantly championed these principles and has persisted in defending them.

But many critics are of the view that this union should be firm and blunt in the face of gross human rights violations and constitutional breaches of sitting Presidents.

As a head of State of a sovereign nation, President Maada Bio visits seems to indicate that he has ignored the sanctions against the junta.

The purpose of the visit according to the sources is for them to discuss the strengthening of the border between the two countries and in addition settle disputes.

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