A man from the Republic of Benin identified as Gregory Da Silva has been recognised by Guinness World Records (GWR) for carrying 735 eggs on a single hat.

Handling eggs isn’t an easy task and even when we buy from market and carry them home, a little bit of carelessness means broken eggs.

We are talking about a dozen or two eggs here. But now listen to this! A man has managed to carry a whopping 735 eggs on his hat!!

A record has been created by a man from Benin in West Africa which invloves a whopping 735 eggs!

The list of people who make it to the Guinness World Records (GWR) include many talented, skilled men and women from across the globe.

If you check their official Instagram page, you will get a glimpse of these unique achievements.

From astonishing to quirky, the feats are of all kinds. And now, the man from west Africa has entered the list.

In a video that was shared on Instagram by @guinnessworldrecords, the man could be seen on a stage balancing the hundreds of eggs on his hat.

Captioning the video, GWR wrote: “Most eggs carried on a single hat, 735 by Gregory Da Silva.”

Watch the video below :

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