The First Grade Magistrate Court in Ntchisi has on october 12, 2021 convicted and sentenced Edson Sitambuli, 34, to 6 years in jail for robbing Jenadi Tchalasi 68, of cash amounting to K5000 at 9 Miles trading centre in the district.

The court through the state prosecutor, Sergeant Virginia Kachepa, heard that Sitambuli started beating Tchalasi before snatching a plastic bag away from Tchalasi.

Kachepa further, told the court that Tchalasi took K5000 from the victim’s pocket and escaped, leaving the victim unconscious.

He was apprehended by the community policing forum.

In his mitigation, Tchalasi pleaded with the court to be lenient, saying he did it under the influence of alcohol.

He asked the court to allow him pay the money back and be set free.

The state prosecutor, however, asked the court to give him a stiffer punishment to deter other would be offenders.

The court found Sitambuli guilty of robbery contrary to Section 301(1) of the Penal code.

In passing her judgement, First Grade Magistrate Dorothy Kalua agreed with the State saying crime of this nature is rising in the district.

Kalua slapped Sitambuli with six years imprisonment with hard labour.

Sitambuli comes from Nkhuyu village, Traditional Authority Chilooko in Ntchisi District.

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