Community Policing and Rural Police Unit at the National Police Headquarters Tuesday trained 35 police officers in Mangochi on Safe Schools Initiative to ensure protection of children from all forms of abuse as cases of abuse increase in the district.

At the opening of the two days training workshop at Mangochi Municipal Hall, Mangochi Police Officer in Charge, Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police, Timothy Phiri commended the National Headquarters Unit for training Mangochi police officers in the Safe Schools Initiative.

He said the knowledge and skills will benefit the officers to deal with sexual abuse and other forms of violence in the district.

The training was meant to equip the police officers with knowledge and skills in handling increased cases such as defilement, child labour, corporal punishment and child trafficking
Phiri noted that cases of sexual and other forms of abuses are common in Mangochi, saying police registers high cases.

Police National Headquarters Child Protection Desk Officer, Sub Inspector, Brown Ngalu said Violence Against Children national survey findings reveals that most children experience sexual abuse before attaining the age of 18.

He added that perpetuators of most sexual abuses on the children were relatives and neighbours apart from teachers and police officers.

The Child Protection Desk Officers said this was the reason police officers were trained in Safe Schools.

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