A Clinical Officer at Mangochi District Hospital George Gwagwala, aged 31, from Helemani Village, Traditional Authority Khwethemule in Thyolo, has been convicted and sentenced to 19-years imprisonment with hard labour by the Mangochi Senior Resident Magistrate’s Court for raping a 20- year woman.

Mangochi Police Public Relations Officer Sub Inspector Amina Tepani Daudi has confirmed saying this happened on Wednesday October 13, 2021.

According to Station Prosecution Officer, Inspector Amos Mwase, the convict was working as a clinician at the health facility and on August 8, 2021, the victim went to the hospital for medical attention as she was having an ankle pain and she met the convict on duty at the casualty ward.

He then told the victim and another patient to follow him and he took them to his hostel.

The first to be assisted was the male patient after that the convict invited the female victim into the room and surprisingly the clinician locked the door and forced himself on his patient, consequently injuring her and tearing her clothes in the process.

The matter was then reported at Yoneco Office who brought the victim to Mangochi Police Station where she was issued a referral letter and the results from the same hospital confirmed that the victim was raped.

Gwagwala pleaded not guilty to the charge after appearing in Court which prompted the state to parade four witnesses who testified against him.

In mitigation, Gwagwala asked for the court’s leniency citing that his family invested a lot of money in his studies and all would be wasted if he would be sent to prison which was quashed by the state saying that, the convict took advantage of the victim’s condition and also violated rights of the patient.

The state added that the clinician’s immoral behaviour could also dent the image of medical workers hence the need for a stiff and custodial sentence.

Passing sentence, Senior Resident Magistrate Rodrick Michongwe concurred with the state, hence the 19-year sentence to serve as a lesson to other would be offenders.

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