A video which has gone viral on social media shows the moment a man spotted a Zebra feeling at home in his place.

The man returned home and heard some disturbing noise in the interior part of the crib. He thought it was a burglar and approached the bedroom with caution until he reached and saw that it was Zebra.

He recorded the moment and shared the video on TikTok, it has now gotten over 100k likes.

Watch video: 


Reacting, @TobyWan405 said; I bet it smell crazy in there

@HeavilyBlaq; Whoever recording, too calm. Cause I would’ve been hootin and hollering

@KaseyAWilson; Naw I’d have to record it too because who is going to believe you when you tell them you had a Zebra run in your house?

@killu_watt_; I’d off myself cus these orea murder donkeys are dangerous asf

@CarustheRottie; Oh that’s common in South Africa. We keep them as colourful ponies for our kids. The foals sometimes just wander into our houses. Clumsy blighters, make a real mess!

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