AN 18-year-old boy is in police custody after shooting to death his 39 year old sister around Lusaka’s Chalala area.

Police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said the boy has since been detained.

“Police have recorded a Murder case that occurred on 16th October,2021 at 19 30 hours at house number 25869 Woodlands Chalala. Mr Lyson Phiri aged 70 of House number 25869 Woodlands Chalala reported that his son aged 18 shot his sister Zelipa Phiri aged 39 dead using his fire arm rifle caliber 30.06 which he got from his bedroom.

“The deceased was shot whilst seated in the living room with her sister who just heard the sound of the gun from behind. When she checked on her sister (deceased) she saw blood oozing from the head,” Mr Hamoonga stated,” reads in part the police report.

He stated that police has since deposited the body of the deceased at UTH mortuary while the suspect has been detained in custody and the gun has been confiscated.

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