Following an order from the Guinean Coup leader Mamady Doumbouya , which States that all of the 44 Generals are compelled to embark on mandatory retirement from active service, the general andd the admiral have been awarded with their pensions grants.

The retired generals were not sacked from the military to go home without according them what is due.

The authorities in the West African country announced last week Tuesday, October 12 that 42 generals and two admirals “are required to exercise their right to retirement.”

The reason for the decision was not given.

Some experts are skeptical of this move and have indicated that forcing those generals, who are in charge of the provinces in Guinea to early retirement, is a message that Mamady Doumbouya cling on to power is in full swing.

However, their pension benefits have been published and it’s looks luxurious which even includes diplomatic passports for them and their spouses.

The forced retirements come less than a week after Doumbouya, 37, appointed Mohamed Beavogui as his interim prime minister.

Former special forces commander Doumbouya launched a coupon on September 5, ousting elected president Alpha Conde after months of brewing discontent against his government.

Doumbouya defied broad condemnation of the putsch and was sworn in as interim president on October 1.

He has nevertheless promised to restore civilian rule after a transition period of unspecified length and to unite the politically fractious nation of 13 million people.

Conde, 83, first won office in 2010 and was re-elected in 2015. But last year, he pushed through a new constitution enabling him to run for a third term in October 2020.

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