Former Vice President Khumbo Hastings Kachali has applauded the collaboration between President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera and his Vice Dr. Saulos Chilima.

The development comes barely two weeks after Freedom Party (FP) President accused the Tonse Alliance of failing to fulfill campaign promises.

“Fellow Malawians, I am happy that today is yet another example to prove that the presidency is not dysfunctional as some would like to project.

“Apparently, it is very functional and I like the collaboration between the President and his Vice. This will ensure that this administration delivers the three main things they promised: wealth, jobs and food security,” wrote Kachale.

He added: “Some of us were there and were part of those that fought the DPP regime. We, therefore, support this collaboration so that the ordinary Malawian is the ultimate beneficiary of Government programs.”

Meanwhile Chakwera is currently being criticized from being too slow on his development agenda.

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