A one-year old baby in Mangochi, Aness Meck, is in need of K13 million to undergo a heart operation in India.

According to Edina Mkandawire, who is grandmother of the child, Aness, admitted at Monkey Bay rural hospital, has an atrioventricular septal defect, a heart condition that affects valves between the heart’s upper and lower chambers and walls between the chambers.

The grandmother said since the child was born, the family has been in and out of hospital, a development that has denied the family an ability to concentrate on income generating activities, including farming.

Meanwhile, Raising Stars Foundation, has been supporting the family and the child with basic needs including food, but has appealed to well-wishers to support the girl with money so that she can urgently get medical help as recommended by doctors.

Director of the organization, Tusekile Mwalwanda, said those willing to help can get in touch through 0885 328 100 or alternatively, well-wishers can deposit the money through Raising Stars Foundation’s FDH Bank Account number 1260000161956.

-Nation Online-

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