Sudan’s military coup leader, Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan has said the military seized power to prevent “civil war”.

Protests are continuing for a second day in the capital, Khartoum, with roads, bridges and shops closed, while phones and internet links are also disrupted and least 10 people are reported to have been killed after Sudan’s military ousted it’s civilian government on Monday, October 25.

The US, AU and UN have all called for the country’s return to civilian rule.

“The dangers we witnessed last week could have led the country into civil war,”  Abdel Fattah al-Burhan a news conference.

He added that the deposed Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok is being kept at the general’s house “for his own safety” and would be allowed home soon.

“The prime minister was at his house but we feared that he will be harmed and he is now with me in my house.

“I was with him last night…and he is going about his life…he will return to his home when the threats are over.”

Gen Burhan said he had dissolved civilian rule, arrested political leaders and called a state of emergency as political groups had been inciting civilians against the security forces.

Since Monday, troops are reported to have been going house to house in Khartoum arresting local protest organisers.

The city’s airport is closed and international flights are suspended.

Civilian leaders and their military counterparts have been at odds since long-time ruler Omar al-Bashir was overthrown in 2019.

An agreement between civilian and military leaders was designed to steer Sudan towards democracy but has proven fragile with a number of previous coup attempts, the last just over a month ago.

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