The Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) has been asked to provide more information in a written submission giving evidence on the misconduct of Richard Chapweteka, MEC Commissioner.

The Public Appointments Committee on Wednesday summoned HRDC to explain on the allegations of misconduct by Richard Chapweteka, Commissioner of the Electoral Commission.

The summon came after HRDC penned the Committee to look into the alleged misconduct.

HRDC allegedly told the committee through the letter that Chapweteka has been making partisan comments publicly, which it says is contrary to Section 6 of the Electoral Commission Act, which calls for independence of the commission.

HRDC further said Chapweteka, who was nominated by the Malawi Congress Party – MCP, has been commenting on WhatsApp groups drumming up support for MCP.

Joyce Chitsulo Chairperson of the committee said HRDC should submit written submissions containing evidence of the misconduct.

She said since the issue involves WhatsApp messages from some WhatsApp Group there is need to include more details.

She said the Committee will also summon Chapweteka to respond to the allegations.

On his part, Gift Trapence HRDC Chairperson said the evidence is ready and they will submit before Friday next week.

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