Police in Ntchisi have arrested a 33 year – old Moses Chiwasa for allegedly touching private parts of a 12 year-old girl.

The incident happened on the night of October 25, 2021 at Nyanga village.

Police sources say, it is alleged that, on the night of the 25th, Chiwasa who was drunk went to his first wife’s house to discuss family issues.

Whilst there, as his wife was fast asleep he sneaked into the girl’s room where he started touching private parts of the girl in order to seduce her to sleep with him.

Sensing danger, the girl, who is a niece to Chiwasa, screamed loud and later shouted for help.

While the wife was fast asleep, it is alleged that the father of the victim who lives near the house heard the shout.

The father rushed to see what had happened to his daughter and caught Chiwasa red handed trying to force himself on the girl.

The matter was reported to police and the victim was issued with a referral letter to the hospital where the results proved that Chiwasa had no canal knowledge with the minor.

Chiwasa has been charged with indecent assault. He will appear before court soon to answer the charge.

Moses Chiwasa comes from Ndundu village, Traditional Authority Vusojere in the district.

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