Former Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs Samuel Tembenu has been removed from a Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) whatsApp group for criticizing leadership of the party after poor performance in the just ended by-elections.

MEC on Tuesday held by-elections in three constituencies and one ward in Balaka and DPP only retained Chimwalire Ward in Balaka South Constituency.

The two seats went to Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and the other seat went to Alliance for Democracy (AFORD).

Writing on his official facebook page Tembenu attributed the loss to the infighting.

“A Party in crisis like ours is burying it’s head in the sand and hoping, foolishly I suppose, that its problems will go away or disappear just like that. *Confront the problems and resolve them.* Name calling and bad mouthing each other just compounds the problem.

“The whole idea of participating in bye-elections when we are in such disarray seems laughable at best,” wrote Tembenu.

Tembenu’s remarks did not go down well with some top officials in DPP who started attacking him left and light.

As this was not enough, DPP Organizing Secretary Chimwemwe Chipungu removed Tembenu from DPP’s whatsApp group.

Below is the screenshot of the DPP’s NGC WhatsApp group;

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