Ndayisenga Jean De Dieu and Debora met each other in 2018 and became friends before agreeing to be lovers.

During their courtship, they both respected the prior agreement not to have sex before marriage, so the lady did not have the opportunity to discover that the man she intended to marry is an amputee.

Fearing that he might lose Debora if he revealed the secret to her during their relationship, Ndayisenga kept it away from her during the two-year courtship.

They organized their wedding early this year and invited friends and family to celebrate with them but the lady was still ignorant of her groom’s physical status throughout the knot-tying ceremony.

It was only after they got home from the wedding venue that Ndayisenga surprised Debora with the truth.

Interestingly, while other women would have got angry and walked out of the hours-old marriage, she accepted to remain his wife regardless.

“After showing me who he was, it gave me a million reasons to love him more,” Debora said in an interview with Afrimax English.

The couple has since been living peacefully and loving each other as Debora has vowed to make her husband feel loved and get over the bullying he has suffered for years.

Recounting how he lost his legs, Ndayisenga said he and his entire family had fled to the Democratic Republic of Congo following a war that erupted and rendered their country unsafe.

However, on their return home, they were caught up in a bomb blast that left him severely injured. The then seven-year-old boy only woke up to realise that he was at the hospital with one of his legs cut off.

Doctors later amputated the second leg as it posed a further danger to his life.

He was then subsequently given prosthetics that made movement easier for him, so it was hard for anyone to figure out the man had a disability.

All along, while Ndayisenga was always limping, it did not occur to Debora that there was more to it than meets the eye.

The couple’s story has warmed the hearts of many people following the emergence of their interview with Afrimax.

Some people have expressed admiration for Debora for being exceptional and urged them to continue loving each other and pay no attention to bullies.

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