Controversial Malawian man of God prophet Austin Liabunya has again gave people on social media something to talk about as he claims a woman came to provoke his anointing for a smartphone.

Writing on his Facebook page, the outspoken prophet said the woman had come to visit him saying she is tired of using small phones popularly known as Mose wa Lero in Malawi.

“Prophet I can’t be a daughter of a Senior Prophet and be using Mose WA Lero (a banner phone). I have come to provoke the anointing and I’m believing God for a smartphone,” the woman said.

In his response, Liabunya blessed her and told her to go “and let the anointing you have come to honor speak for you my daughter!”

The man of God then added that after three days the lady came back with a testimony carrying a smartphone in her hands.

“After three days she came back with a good smartphone. She said she miraculously reconnected with a schoolmate who was working in the UK and blessed her with the phone the next day,” he said.

Liabunya is well known for his controversial topics and prophecies on social media.

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