Alleged to the missing of Emmanuel Chibwana who was reported on Monday, gospel musician Wendy Harawa has expressed her concerns on local taxi system.
According to the Wendy,  there is a need for a taxi association where every driver has to register so that every taxi is tracked to assure that every passenger is safe.
” My plea is if the drivers/owners taxis can take part by maybe registering themselves somewhere and every taxi should have a certain sticker that shows that they are registered with the taxi organization or something and people should only jump on those registered and authorised one or government can help us if it needs them.
She added that a lot of people have gone missing in a common way and there’s a need to take action.
Chibwana went missing on Monday in Zomba town after he boarded a taxi.
The singer has asked Malawians to join hands in prayer for the safety and safe return of the boy.
Meanwhile the police and well-wishers are on the ground searching for Chibwana.
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