Harare, Zimbabwe—A man is reportedly threatening to sleep with his minor children in protest after his wife denied him his conjugal rights.

The allegations came to light at the Harare Civil Court where Elizabeth Mafuna was seeking a protection order against her husband Remember Sundire.

Mafuna claimed that though she was married to Sundire, he was still moving out and was living with another woman.

She told the court that her husband was in the habit of returning home every morning and demanding sex whilst drunk.

“He has been abusing me for the past six months and comes home drunk every morning from his drinking dens.

“He goes on to demand sex in the same state and when I deny him the chance he insults and beats me up.

“The last time this happened, he told me that when I deny having sex with him he will rape my children.” Said Mafuna.

Mafuna who was sobbing bitterly said she was in need of help.

“I don’t love him anymore, I have tried all avenues even engaging his relatives but he still persists.

“I have even changed my place of residence but he asks of my whereabouts and visits me anyhow,” she said.

Presiding over the matter magistrate Gladys Moyo granted the protection order in the absence of Sundire.

She, however, advised Mafuna to seek an appropriate order to evict Sundire and use an alternative approach for their divorce.

Source: Zonk

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