Controversial Malawian Prophet Austin Liabunya has hit back to his fellow preacher of the word of God Pastor Hastings Salanje on the alleged ten year suspension he made months ago.

Pastor Salanje suspended Liabunya from preaching the word of God after he (Liabunya) prophesied that Salanje will never be a president of Malawi despite showing his interest.

The South African Based pastor, has been saying that from 2030 he will be the president of the country as directed by God.

“Because you have decided to challenge me, I Hastings Salanje the servant of the living God suspend you reyabuya (Liabunya) from the work of the Gospel from this day of 7th September 2021 to 31th December 2031 night, I give you a suspension of 10 years and if you behave well the suspension will be lifted up after 10 years,” said Salanje.

Today, writing on his Facebook page Liabunya asked where that is someone (referring to Salanje) who suspended him for ten years ironically, attributing that the said suspension seems not to be taking effecting on his ministry.

“One day someone woke up and decided to suspend me for ten years! Where is he now? I am Senior 1 and I serve the Living God,” said Liabunya.

According to Liabunya the said suspension was redirected to the sender.

“That suspension was redirected to the sender,” he said.

Salanje is yet to respond.

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