Former Vice President Khumbo Hastings Kachali who is also Freedom Party (FP) President has expressed shock over increasing reports of missing persons across the country.

Earlier this week, the social media was awash with reports that a 19 year old boy identified as Emmanuel Chibwana was missing.

The boy is said to have boarded a taxi heading to National Bank to withdraw cash.

As this was not enough, yesterday reports also emerged of a missing woman identified as Tiyamike Donda who was later found in Blantyre.

Writing on his official facebook page Kachale asked Minister of Homeland Security Richard Chimwendo Banda to act on the reports before the situation goes out of hand.

“Fellow Malawians, reports from various news outlets indicate that cases of missing persons are on the rise. This, ladies and gentlemen, is rather very unfortunate.

“I implore the minister responsible for homeland security to immediately employ measures that will curtail this criminality once and for all. The minister should also institute investigations and report to the people of Malawi as soon as is practically possible,” wrote Kachali.

He added: “We, as part of the Tonse Alliance administration, will not accept such wretched criminal acts as normal. We would not want to be reminded of the ‘Chiradzulu women body parts’ disgusting massacres. A big no! That is why, I have personally, taken the initiative to talk both privately and publicly to all responsible high level security authorities.

“May the good Lord protect us all. Have a blessed night.”

Meanwhile, Chimwendo Banda is yet to comment on the matter.

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