Your private organ is a delicate organ that can be affected by diseases. It can be damaged due to seemingly-unrelated bad habits that can cause some chronic harm.

To make sure you’re not causing any permanent damage or inducing any short-term holdup have a look at these 4 habits you do that can cause damage to your private organ.

Some of the habits that can cause harm to the private organ of the male include.

1. Lack of physical exercises

Physical exercises have several benefits and one of them is to help keep healthy your private organ and in good shape. According to a study carried out by Cedars Sinai medical center, men who engage in physical activity more often are at a reduced risk of suffering erectile dysfunction.

2. Excessive consumption of alcohol

Too much intake of alcohol could be harmful to your private organ because alcohol may disrupt the production of testosterone, causing low levels of testosterone in the blood and weakness of the private organ during intercourse.

3. Not having sufficient sleep

The relevance of sleep to your health cannot be over overemphasized you don’t sleep well, the levels of testosterone in your body can lessen drastically and this could have an impact on your private organ.

4. High level of smoking

It is known that smoking is unhealthy for the body. Too much smoking can harm some sensitive tissues in your private organ which could make it to be weak during intercourse.

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