Controversial man of God Austin Liabunya alias Senior1 has yet dropped another prophecy regarding the Malawi nation and it’s government as he is still in his ten year suspension as imposed by Malawian-South African based pastor Hastings Salanje.

Liabunya, whose most of his predictions have come to pass since 2009, has said there are series of meetings that are taking place in the country involving what he calls “watchmen” and that a warrant of arrest for the “old man” has been issued. Who is this old man? Only him knowns.

“God showed me just like afore time: There are a couple of meetings going on in the country involving ‘watchmen’ and an arrest warrant has been issued for ‘the old man’ to go in. This is happening in the spirit.” wrote Liabunya on his Facebook page.

he however, added that an Angel was shouting preventing the arrest of the said old man as the argument was his arrest would result in total chaos in the country.

According to Liabunya, there is tension and they’re looking for someone to blame.

“Many months ago I warned that if certain things were not addressed and prayer is not engaged for government, non-stop demonstrations will elapse,” he said.

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