NIGERIA – A man is refusing to marry due to bad experience he met while he was young.

This experience has contributed to his strong dislike for women in general.

For this reason, he claims he’s finding it difficult in settling down and raise a family.

He shared;

“My dad is a highly respected well-to-do man but his problem was his wife; I wonder how they married!

She used to beat him in our presence and she’d lay curses on us if we ever plead that she stops. At times, she’d shout from night till dawn, making sure that no one sleeps and she’d try her best to call the neighbors’ attention to tarnish his reputation.

Not like he’s weak, he just tried not to make things escalate and be a bigger issue. Now I’m grown up, I hate women die and she’s begging me to get married.

Meanwhile, I just want to stay out here treating Nigerian girls in the language they understand,” he wrote.

Currently, he does not have the desire to have his family or beautiful his future with someone like how Adam and Eve did.

Maybe  he will change his mind in the future but as it stands, he can not marry.

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