Private Suppliers who will deliver inputs under the Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP) in Dedza have vowed to conduct the exercise with efficiency.

The Suppliers made the pledge Tuesday at Dedza Town Hall during a Full Council meeting where they signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Council meant to keep track of the availability and performance of the input suppliers.

Speaking after signing the MoU, representative of the Suppliers, Edgar Soko said being businessmen, there aim was to maintain their good reputation by delivering the required amount of inputs throughout the district.

“We realize that the goal of this programme is to ensure food security in Malawian households and increasing the economic wellbeing through increasing access to improved farm inputs by small holder farmers therefore we cannot jeopardize an initiative which is meant to benefit our fellow countrymen.” Soko said.

According to Dedza Chief Agriculture Officer, Joshua Mphande, 210,487 are expected to benefit from the AIP and 29 suppliers have been identified to supply the inputs in the district.

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