Malawi Congress Party (MCP) National Youth Director Richard Chimwendo Banda who is also Minister of Homeland Security has blocked the party’s youth from reacting to accusations made by United Transformation Movement (UTM) National Youth Director Bon Kalindo.

On Wednesday, Kalindo accused Tonse Alliance President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera of failing to fulfill some of the campaign promises.

“We thought things will be better, we though we will have 1 million jobs “He urged the youths to rise up and demand from the leaders a fulfilment of what they promised during the campaign time.

Kalindo, popularly known as Winiko then apologized to Malawians for urging them to vote for Chakwera.

The remarks by Kalindo did not go down well with some MCP youths who planned to hold a presser over the matter.

But Chimwendo Banda has blocked them from doing so.

“I am reliably told that some MCP Youth would like to hold a press conference to respond to what Hon Kalindo has communicated to some Media houses.

“ I am therefore issuing a directive that no such press conference should take place. No one should speak on behalf of the Party or Youth Directorate. Kindly adhere to this directive,” wrote Chimwendo Banda.

Meanwhile, Kalindo has threatened to hold national wide protest.

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