Scholarship given to students are mainly on a merit basis and it is mostly awarded to needy but brilliant students.

Specific funds are set aside by various governments to support students who have performed brilliantly well in curricular and non-curricular activities.

Learners with the potentials that they have exhibited in school competitions are also recognized when it comes to assisting them.

Another group of people aside from the government or the institution which sponsors students are individuals or Nongovernmental agencies(NGOs).

Students can be eligible for scholarships if only they meet several conditions such as not being involved in any in disciplinary action.

They are to desist from stealing, fighting, absenteeism, lateness, and take their studies seriously. If they fulfill these conditions, they will get a scholarship.

The interim president of the transition, colonel MamadyDoumbouya has presented an award to students who were given scholarships and admonished them to be of good behavior. At the Mohammed V Palace, the students in their neatly worn attire were received by the coup maker.

He advised them by asserting “the future is open to you and it will be what you want it to be. Beware of laziness, and boldness that can cause all vices and always be excellent because excellent is the key to success.”

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