Social media commentator on good governance Joshua Chisa Mbele has endorsed demonstrations planned by United Transformation Movement (UTM) Director of Youth Bon Kalindo against President Lazarus Chakwera.

Last week, Kalindo speaking to media houses said he will mobilize to the streets against Tonse Alliance administration’s way of handling the country’s affairs.

According to Kalindo, Malawians are suffering as cost of living keeps rising and Chakwera is seemingly sleeping on duty, hence the decision to go to the streets.

Kalindo said the demonstrations will take place in all the major cities of the country, starting from Blantyre on November 19, 2021.

In his remarks, Chisa Mbele said he will surely participate the demonstrations as he is in full support.

“I fully endorse and support the demonstrations. It is people’s entrenched Constitutional Right to mobilize and sage peaceful protests on social matters that adversely affect them; in this particular case economic hardships,” said Chisa Mbele.

In which was seemingly to be a joke, Chisa Mbele said he will even carry a placard.

“I will carry my humble placard that will read; Tipatse mpata tafinyika Lazaro (We can’t breathe Lazarus),” he said.

Meanwhile, the UTM party has distanced itself from Kalindo’s planned demonstrations and the remarks he uttered saying they are not representing the party’s views.

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