United Transformation Movement (UTM) National Youth Director Bon Kalindo has quashed reports that his part disciplined him for attacking Tonse Alliance President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera.

Kalindo, popularly known as Winiko in the past days has been all over town attacking Chakwera for failing to fulfill some of the campaign promises.

He has since organised street protests starting with Blantyre this Friday, where he wants Malawians to express their anger against a government he says they trusted when voting it into power in June 2020.

But Kalindo’s outburst has attracted anger from his mother party and on Monday it was reported that the party cautioned him.

When contacted for comment Kalindo denied the claims.

“This is a war that I have started and people are supporting me morally, not with money. People must know that Kalindo is not a coward, and I will not stop because I am a UTM member. This is not a UTM or MCP issue, it is an issue affecting Malawians. Things are not fine,” said Kalindo.

Kalindo has since asked UTM to fire him from the party.

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