You need to stand out and in order to do this, you have got to take care of the little things.

Give her flowers or some sort of surprise. Do not wait until a special occasion to show her how you feel. This will help to make her feel loved and appreciated and that is a direct route to making her fall in love with you.

2. Compliment her nicely.

Make sure the compliment is genuine and sincere and not too deep. If you overdo it, I can guarantee this pointer will backfire big time. Flatter her a little and she will reward you handsomely.

3. Support her.

You need to show her you will be there to encourage her on and support her in her daily battles. This does not mean you have to agree with everything she does and says, that would make you a pushover puppet.

4. Treat her well.

This is where you are going to capture her attention and rock her world. Too many guys today seem to forget their manners.

When you treat a lady properly, it will never ever go out of style. When you show her she is worth being treated specially, you will be squeezing your way into her heart for all the right reasons.

5. Give her your attention.

I know this one is not so easy considering the technology we have got to our fingertips. If you are serious about showing this girl you deserve to have her fall in love with you, then you need to keep all eyes on her.

6. Tell her how much you enjoy spending time with her.

This can come in all sorts of different shapes and forms. You can tell her face to face that you really enjoy hanging out with her. Another route is to drop her a text or email to make sure she knows that she is on your mind. She needs to know that if you are going to be successful making her fall in love with you.

7. Listen to her.

Girls like a man that is going to listen to their problems and when you open your ears and let them talk, you are one step up on any other guy in pursuit. Make sure you do not push her to make a decision. She just wants you to listen so she can work it out.

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