INDIA – At least seven men have been arrested in western India after a 16-year-old girl claimed she was raped hundreds of times by hundreds of men in the last six months

Reports indicate the girl, who was homeless was raped by 400 people in Beed district of Maharashtra state.

Two policemen were also mentioned in the case

On one occasion, the begging for money at a bus stop when she was allegedly forced into sex work by three men.

While the number of alleged rapists might be very hard for prosecutors to ascertain or prove, the girl could identify at least 25 alleged perpetrators.

The girl had attempted to file a police complaint against a man she accused of beating her up, but officers did not register it..

They have also registered a case under the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act.

The girl also told police she was married off at age 13 to a 33-year-old man who sexually abused her, according to the police statement.

She also told police she was sexually assaulted by her father, which made her to leave both homes and sleep at the bus stop.

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