The mother of this six-year-old girl has revealed what she and her daughter have been passing through.

According to her mother, her daughter is sick and this made her stomach that way, but people are saying her daughter is pregnant.

She revealed that the father of this child left her after she realized that the condition of this child growing from bad to worst.

She spoke on behalf of her mother. The young girl was already in kindergarten before her sad difficulty.

Everything began with stomach pain and her mother explained that one day, she came back from school and we talked of stomach pain and thought it was diarrhea. Her belly began to swell, and people in our party speculated she was pregnant.

According to her mother, she discredited speculation. Doctors have already informed her that her daughter is faintheartedly sick. You spent all of your money on her.

All their money was spent on treating her, but no improvement was ever made. The situation became so unbearable for her father that he woke up one morning pretending that he would work but never returned. He had deserted his wife and dying daughter.

But the skies laughed when an agency of charity found them and a video was made about their situation.

This video has been shared online with people to see and donate money for their medical treatment. Joy was restored to their souls after people returned with great cash donated by good people to save their lives. When she knelt and thanked the organizer, Mama could not keep her happy.

The mother could not contain her joy as she knelt down and thanked the organization, she was happy that her daughter will be treated and will also be her normal self again.

God will certainly not do anything, and I believe he will certainly smile on this young child’s face.

I pray that God, the All-People, will save the little girl from the illness that it is now destructively destructing. Please pray for her. Please pray for her. Please pray for her. Please pray for her.

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