Former United Transformation Movement (UTM) Director of Youth and party member Bon Kalindo has retuned a vehicle belonging to his former party.

Kalindo’s remarks follows his announcement that he has ceased from being a UTM member and resigned from all the party positions.

Kalindo has since dumped his official vehicle at Dorvic Hotel in Blantyre where he made the announcement to journalists.

“The keys are at the reception, party officials can come to collect it, ” he says.

The outspoken politician said he wants to focus on his revolutionary movement which has lined up a series of protest against the Tonse alliance leadership.

Kalindo is accusing the Chakwera led presidency of failing to come with solutions to contain the socio-economic challenges that have rocked the country.

According to Kalindo, all the campaign promises Tonse Alliance leaders made prior to June 23, 2020 presidential elections, are not being fulfilled, hence his decision to resign from UTM which is a key partner of the Tonse Alliance.

Kalindo’s planned demonstrations are slated for Friday, November 19, 2021 in Blantyre.

UTM is yet to comment on Kalindo’s decision to dump the party.

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