Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Member of Parliament for Thyolo Central Ben Phiri has called on government to stop putting the blaming on the global pandemic Coronavirus on the socio-economic challenges rocking the country.

Phiri, speaking in the August House was reacting to remarks made by Minister of Information Gospel Kazako on Tuesday during a press briefing that the continued rising of cost of living is the effect of Coronavirus.

According to Kazako, government is aware that Malawians are going through difficult times, but assured the general public that the Tonse Alliance led administration is doing everything it can to make things better.

In his argument, Phiri said Kazako was wrong to say that the rising cost of living is due to among other things the Coronavirus pandemic.

According to Phiri, Tonse Alliance partners made all the campaign promises during the peak of covid-19 infections.

Concurring with Phiri, DPP’s Mulanje Bale legislature Victor Musowa said there is a need for people to discuss pertinent issues on the matter as they are in the house representing Malawians who are still waiting for solutions in the continued rising cost of living.

However, Minister of Finance Felix Mlusu said he would not comment much on the issues such as fuel price rise saying that it is a global matter.

On cooking oil prices, Mlusu said the main issue which is Value Added Tax (VAT) which the same house passed to on cooking oil which manufacturers are now attributing as main reason for the increased prices.

Mlusu has therefore assured Malawians that government is working an economic recovery plan that the general public will be informed of the strategies that are in the plan in the near future.

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