Concerned citizens under the banned Social Revolution Movement (SRM) has announced that they will hold demonstrations in the northern region against socio-economic challenges rocking the country.

In a notice signed by Concerned Citizen Phunziro Mvula directed to Mzuzu City Council and copied to regional police headquarters, the movement has cited 14 grounds for their demonstrations slated for Friday, November 19, 2021.

Mzuzu City Council MacDonald Gondwe has confirmed having received the notice but say they are yet to approve.

On the same day, November 19, 2021, Bon Kalindo former United Transformation Movement (UTM) executive member is also holding demonstrations against President Lazarus Chakwera’s administration.

According to Kalindo, the Tonse Alliance is failing to fulfill campaign promises made prior to June 23, 2020 fresh presidential elections hence going to the streets.

However, government spokesperson Gospel Kazako has asked Malawians to exercise patience since the economic challenges follows a global economic melt down.

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