Center for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) is questioning the silence of the Malawi police on the ugly scenes that were erupted during the Malawi Sali Bwino demonstrations organized by former United Transformation Movement (UTM) Director of Youth Bon Kalindo last Friday.

CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa said many peace-loving Malawians could not believe that in this day and era some politicians would unleash terror on unsuspecting citizens who are exercising their constitutional right to hold peaceful demonstrations in order to express their dissatisfaction with the way the country is being governed, and to hold public officers accountable.

In a press statement made available to this publication, Namiwa said that it is disturbing that the Police are silent on the matter despite that their constitutional mandate is to ensure the safety of lives and property of all Malawians.

Namiwa then alleges that the police’s silence on the matter is more revealing as to who actually sanctioned the bloodshed in the city of Blantyre on Thursday, 18th November 2021.

“Malawians’ memories are still fresh, and they are able to recall what the immediate-past Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) regime was infamously known for, use of thugs to terrorize innocent and unarmed citizens that were perceived to be advancing dissenting views against them. Today, DPP is out of government,” said Namiwa.

Namiwa then reminded President Lazarus Chakwera his campaign promises that his government will do things differently as he will empower the youths to be self-reliant than to be used as weapons to cause chaos in the country.

Not leaving behind Police Inspector General George Kainja of his promises that he will ensure that the police is different altogether, “however, the ugly scenes in Blantyre have brought back bad memories of criminals who were licensed to beat up and hack others in full view of the police.”

“It is, therefore, very disheartening to note that more than five days after the uncalled-for acts of violence, there has not been any public statement from the police about the events in Blantyre. Neither has the Ministry of Civic Education and National Unity uttered any word to denounce the violence targeted at those that had planned a peaceful demonstration. This, to us, is clear evidence that such barbaric acts were orchestrated and sponsored by none other than agents of the government of the day, notably the Malawi Congress Party (MCP),” said Namiwa.

The police and government are yet to comment on the matter.

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