The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has distanced itself from the acts of violence that were led by its Ntopwa ward councillor Isaac Jomo Osman.

According the party’s Spokesperson Shadreck Namalomba, he indicated that the DPP is disowning Jomo Osman as a member of the party, and calling for his arrest.

In a statement, the party has further pointed a finger at the Tonse Government for sponsoring the acts of terror.

Last week, vendors and minibus touts in Limbe protested against demonstrations organized by former United Transformation Movement (UTM) Director of Youth, Bon Kalindo.

The vendors led by Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Councilor for Ntopwa Ward, Isaac Jomo Osman and Nyasa Big Bullets Director of Supporters, Stone Mwamadi.

Things went out of hand when the protesters bumped into a group of people in support of the said demonstrations.

The two camps then started pelting stones at each other.

Police fired teargas to control the situation.

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