Limbe First Grade Magistrate’s Court has sentenced a 39-year-old Tonny Blessings Ndawala to go to jail for 12 months for selling a piece of land to two different people in Machinjiri township in Blantyre.

Inspector Ian Ntaba, of Limbe Police told the court that Ndawala on July, 9, 2020, first sold the land to MacDonald Wayekha at a price of K1.5 million, and did the change of ownership in the presence of the chief of the area.

Ntaba further told the court that Ndawala on April, 20, 2021, sold the same piece of land to another person identified as Rhemie Butawo at K2 million.

Ntaba said Ndawala sold the land under false pretence that he was still the rightful owner of the land.

The matter was reported to police and Ndawala was arrested. He was charged with Obtaining money by false pretence, an offence that contravenes Section 318 as read with Section 319(1) of the penal code.

Appearing in court, he denied the charge, which prompted the state prosecutor to parade three witnesses who testified against him. He was later found guilty and convicted as charged.

Ntaba pleaded with the court to meteout a stiffer sentence on Ndawala, saying despite being the first offender, the accused person deserved a stiff penalty, saying the circumstance in which the offence was committed leaves alot to be desired.

In mitigation, Ndawala pleaded with the court for leniency saying he was the first offender, and that he was taking care of his parents.

Passing sentence, Third Grade Magistrate Chrissy Kachingwe sentenced Ndawala to 12 months imprisonment with hard labour to deter would-be-offenders.

Tonny Blessings Ndawala hails from Mpingu village in Traditional Authority Kalolo in Lilongwe.

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