People in Balaka will now breathe a sigh of relief following a donation of hospital materials by Malawians living in German to a new Medical Clinic in the district.

Hospital beds, wheel chairs dialysis machines among others were collected after numerous donations and were loaded in the 40 Sea container on November 19, 2021.

The loading of the materials was done at the medical supply store Müller Betten in 51766 Engelskirchen-Loope.

Apart from the beds, wheel chairs and dialysis machines, Mank GmbH also managed to donate at least 1000 Covid-19 tests kit for the range.

“Thanks also to our in-house haulage company HUMANILOG, Bwana Benjamin and Bwana Lukas, for their great commitment. The biggest thanks go to the volunteers: Without you it would not have worked,” read part of the report whilst acknowledging the effort shown by others.

The donation was received in Malawi by former Member of Parliament for Balaka North Lucius Banda and Joyce Banda Foundation.

According to the report, State House Malawi and the first Lady Mrs. Monica Chakwera are rendering support in setting up the medical facility in Malawi to treat Kidney disease and medical emergencies.

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