Police in Chikwawa have arrested a 57 year-old man, Andsen Tembo for allegedly raping his 18 year old maid.

According to Chikwawa Police Public Relations Officer, Sergeant Dickson Matemba, the victim was working in the house of the suspect.

“The victim met her fate during the night of 24 November 2021 when the accused entered the girl’s room and raped her before giving her K10,000 to keep the matter secret.

“However, the victim reported the matter to her aunt in the following morning before she was taken to Chikwawa District Hospital where rape was confirmed,” said Matemba.

The district’s police PRO said following the medical report, police arrested the suspect who is expected to appear in court to answer a charge of rape which is contrary to section 132 of the Penal Code.

Andsen Tembo hails from Sadulo Village Traditional Authority Katunga in the district.

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