William “Kyle” Carruth fatally shot Chad Read, 54, in the north-western city of Lubbock on November 5, local media reported.

Two videos of the deadly incident, one released by Read’s widow and one by Carruth’s lawyers, depict the confrontation between the two men moments before the shooting.

In the videos, Read is seen arguing with a woman, identified as his ex-wife, and her new boyfriend Kyle Carruth over a child custody issue.

Read was there to pick up a son he had with ex-wife Christina Read.

Carruth is heard telling Read to “get off my property.”

At one point, Carruth went inside the house to retrieve a rifle while Read continued arguing with Christina Read outside.

“Where’s my son at? I’ll go get him. I’m supposed to have him at 3:15,” Chad Read is heard telling Christina Read. “And you’re playing games telling me that I can pick him up at six? I’ve already got the cops on the way to your mom’s house… Because that’s probably where he is.”

Then, Carruth emerged from the house with the rifle and the two men briefly argued on the front porch.

Carruth fired a warning shot at Read’s feet before firing two shots into Read’s chest, killing him.

According to widow Jennifer Read, Carruth was angry that Read threatened to expose his extramarital affair to his wife, Judge Ann-Marie Carruth whose jurisdiction is the 72nd District Court in Crosby and Lubbock counties.

Through her attorney, Jennifer Read released a statement along with her cell phone footage.

In an affidavit, Jennifer Read accused Christina Read and Kyle Carruth of engaging “in a conspiracy” to murder Chad Read to silence him.

In a Facebook post, Jennifer Read wrote: “Please share. Make this go viral. Does this look like a man in fear of his life or the life of others? Look at that smile. He is a cold blooded murderer.”

Accompanying her post is an image from her cell phone footage that shows Carruth smiling at Read before killing him.

Carruth’s attorney claims he shot Read in self-defense. His lawyers say the killing was a “justifiable homicide” under the state’s self-defence laws.

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