After a three-hour closed-door meeting between Bon Kalindo and four cabinet ministers, the government has revised tollgate fees.

Information Minister, Gospel Kazako, made the announcement in Lilongwe Tuesday Night after a seven-hour closed-door discussion with the lead organizer of demonstrations against the high cost of living, Bon Kalindo, and others from his side.

Minibusses will now pay K2000, reduced from K3500. Buses will now pay K5000 from K8500. Registered taxis will now pay K1000 from K1700.

Ordinary vehicles will pay K1200 from K1700. The new charges prices will be effective after being gazetted.

Speaking to Journalists after the four ministers left, Kalindo has disclosed that Friday demonstrations in Mzuzu are still on because he is not convinced with the outcome of the meeting.

Kazako, internal security minister Chimwendo were among them.

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